Further commentary from VoxDay and Aurini.
Naturally there are those who have noticed Jason Kessler and Garon Archer's histories with the Occupy movement and sense that the Eye of Soros has cast its gaze upon the Alt-Right. I seem to have misplaced my magic sunglasses, so I'm seeing something a little different. Allow me to flatter myself and play Cassandra for a moment.
I don't know where exactly this comes from because I am not its original recipient. Take it for whatever it's worth to you, but for now I'm only going to quote a part of it and use it as a starting point. Honestly, this looks tongue in cheek, out of context or satirical, but I have no further comment on it's origination. Emphasis mine.
Prime Directive: Always Blame the Jews for Everything
As Hitler says in Mein Kampf, people will become confused and disheartened if they feel there are multiple enemies. As such, all enemies should be combined into one enemy, which is the Jews. This is pretty much objectively true anyway, but we want to leave out any and all nuance.
So no blaming Enlightenment though, pathological altruism, technology/urbanization, etc. - just blame Jews for everything.
This basically includes blaming Jews for the behavior of other non-Whites. Of course it should not be that they are innocent, but the message should always be that if we didn't have the Jews we could figure out how to deal with non-Whites very easily.
The same deal with women. Women should be attacked, but there should always be mention that if it wasn't for the Jews, they would be acting normally.
What should be completely avoided is the sometimes mentioned idea that "even if we got rid of the Jews we would still have all these other problems." The Jews should always be the beginning and the end of every problem, from poverty to poor family dynamics to war to the destruction of the rainforest....The its the kikes! narrative is faulty because despite what humor can be derived from things like trolling the ever living fuck out of neoconservative shill Ben Shapiro, the blame the other function offers White Leftists an attractive, ready-made escape hatch when the economy of progressive morality implodes and the value of a signal collapses under the strain of minorities demanding White 'allies' dutifully stand in silent solidarity with non-Whites who openly conspire to eat all White people.
Why is this a problem? Doesn't the Alt-Right need more bodies? What's wrong with Leftist conversions? Glad you asked.
First, despite the humor vector, blaming the Jews is basically a knock-off version of the we wuz kangz until whitey showed up. As with Blacks, the idea that eliminating a particular oppressor, confiscating their property, or vacating their seats of authority will magically heal us of the evils that plague us is patent nonsense. Obviously for Blacks this is fairly easy to substantiate through the precipitous decline in Africa's quality of life after the end of the colonial era. For Whites, whom I generally (but not universally) have a higher opinion of than Blacks, allow me to offer a couple of lines of evidence that suggest that White people are declining in quality and coin-clutchers are the least of our concerns:
- Average White IQ has declined by nearly one standard deviation since 1889
- As a population approaches post-scarcity, aberrant behavior appears and propagates.
- Several White (and non-White) civilizations have collapsed under similar circumstances to our own, without Jews.
People point to things like the Kalergi Plan as a counterweight to my three strongest points that the decline of White people is suicide and not murder. I will address the "conspiracy" angle momentarily, but before I get to that I must address another issue.
The second problem with Leftist conversions is that there is a risk that the tendencies of Leftism will transfer over even when garden variety Leftist philosophy and policies do not. A sizable portion of SJWs exhibit outward signs of their poor inner health. Excess fat, frumpy and weak physique, pastel hair dye, gaudy clothes, and bad tattoos are examples of aposematism, or warning coloration. While on a superficial level hipster chic has the purpose of signalling caste and attracting mates, the ubiquitous poor life choices, poor physical and mental health, and small minded pursuit of cheap social gains suggests to us that the aesthetic of Millennial progressives is an accidental socio-evolutionary step towards warning others that there is something seriously wrong with these sort of people.
Supposing that the outward signs of dysfunction even could be suppressed by the wholesale conversion of this particular caste of White people, does that likewise mean that the other excesses, particularly in temperament and disposition, can also be suppressed? My gut says no. My very first post on women and entryism generally pointed out that there is a certain suspicious tendency among Alt-lite and entry-level Alt-Right female e-celebrities that has all the signs and symptoms of classic attention seeking, only cleverly wrapped in the accouterments of the dissident right. I am generally predisposed against single females in and around the Alt-Right for this reason, although I'm willing to give some credit to partially mitigate this bias because being anything to the Right of a New York Times editorial carries substantial career risks vis-a-vis the Social Justice Inquisition. Still, these women need to hurry up and find husbands. That they seem to have a less than enthusiastic interest in effectively obliterating their share of the market by husbanding up suggests an element of faddishness influences their political alignment. Faddishness, in turn, suggests that there will be an incongruity between actions and words, and as the fad becomes more mainstream, numbers will swell.
Mass proliferation of a set of ideas among a group of people who are not selected for based off quality carries the risk of reducing the aggregate quality of the idea set. Case in point, conventional Progressive Idealism is suffering the entropic effects of egalitarianism to the point that "poop swastikas" are very serious business that the whole nation needs to be notified about and galvanized against. If you're looking for a handy line of evidence that suggests that the people in charge are not organized or particularly smart or driven by some sort of grand plan to genocide Whites, the incessant but badly contrived hate crime hoaxes are where you want to start. The clever and scheming men of the Frankfurt School are long since dead, and their heirs look less like this and more like this. Far from being the nigh-omnipotent ruling class that the most counter-Semitic members of the Alt-Right see, the true believers in the gospel of Progressive Idealism are more like a very small but very malevolent child attempting to play boss while swimming in his father's suit. They are wayward, evil certainly, but less than our worst suspicions suggest and simultaneously worse for us than the sort of evil the Alt-Right sees. The Left is increasingly peopled by low-caste Whites who are way out of their own league in terms of being an actual ruling class. They are crude and inept, however dangerous they are regardless, but they are only successful because a previous, higher-quality generation left them a network of institutions and resources to amplify their voices. They do little good with it, and are slowly pulling the trigger on their own obliteration as a philosophy.
Note that there are structural parallels between the Alt-Right's take on the JQ and the anti-White SJW Inquisition. Erasing the proper nouns and adjectives that make the two camp's arguments distinct, a simple formula emerges in the form of the oppressed and dispossessed struggling against their illegitimate overlords. Most the Alt-Right might wrinkle their noses at this and think that I'm channeling Sargon of Akkad's insufferable "above the fray" centrism. To that I say, no, I am not, but I am pointing out a coincidence of epistemology that at least one person prior to me suspected would serve as the impetus for the mass conversion of Leftists to the cause of pro-White racialism.
There is one crucial fact that we must not overlook, if we are to see the political situation as it is, rather than in the anamorphosis of some ‘ideology,’ i.e., propaganda-line, whether “Liberal” or “conservative.” The real fulcrum of power in our society is neither the votaries of an ideological sect nor the Jews, clear-sighted and shrewd as they are, but the intelligent members of our own race whose one principle is an unmitigated and ruthless egotism, an implacable determination to satisfy their own ambitions and lusts at whatever cost to their race, their nation, and even their own progeny. And with them we must reckon the bureaucrats, men who, however much or little they may think about the predictable consequences of the policies they carry out, are governed by a corporate determination to sink their probosces ever deeper into the body politic from which they draw their nourishment. Neither of these groups can be regarded as being “Liberal” or as having any other political attitude from conviction. The first are guarded by the lucidity of their minds, and the second by their collective interests, from adhesion to any ideology or other superstition.
Bureaucracies contain, of course, ambitious men who are climbing upward. One thinks of the bureaucrats who, shortly before the “Battle of the Bulge” in the last days of 1944, were openly distressed “lest a premature victory in Europe compromise our social gains at home,” meaning, of course, that they were afraid that peace might break out before they had climbed another rung on their way to real power. After the defeat of Japan, one of them, a major in the ever-growing battalions of chair-borne troops, too precious to be distressed by such nasty things as fighting battles, frankly lamented his hard luck: if only the war had lasted another three months, and a suitable number of Americans been killed, he would have been promoted to colonel and would also have a “command” that would have qualified him as the foremost expert in his field and thus assured his prosperity after the evil day on which he would have to face the hardships of peace. This attitude may not be admirable, but it is quite common and a political force of the first magnitude, which it would be childish to ignore. It is not, of course, peculiar to the United States. When the National Socialists came to power in Germany, they had many enthusiastic adherents of the same type, who, after the defeat of their nation, did not have to be tortured to become witnesses to the “evils of Nazism” and endorse any lie desired by the brutal conquerors. The attitude, furthermore, though especially prevalent in our demoralized age, is not peculiar to it. One thinks of the Popes who are reported to have told their intimates, “How much profit this fable of Christ has brought us!” And the same realistic appraisal of the main chance was doubtless present in many ecclesiastics who did not reach the top or did not have so much confidence in the discretion of their immediate associates.
Unmitigated egotism, which is necessarily a prime factor on all the higher levels of society in a “democracy,” is a political force with which one cannot cope directly; one can only attack the masks that are worn in public. It is, however, an obstacle that can be circumvented and one which could become an asset. The only strategic consideration here is represented by the truism, “nothing succeeds like success” — a crude statement, which you may find elaborated with elegance and sagacity in the Or culo manual of the great Jesuit, Baltasar Gracián. Our formidable enemies today will become our enthusiastic allies tomorrow, if it appears that we are likely to succeed. I speak, of course, only of members of our race, but the most competent and acute “Liberals,” who today declaim most eloquently about the “underprivileged” and “world peace,” could become tomorrow the most eloquent champions of the hierarchical principle (with which they secretly agree) and a guerre l’outrance against our enemies, if their calculations of the probable future were changed. And, as the Jews well know, the great humanitarian, whose soul shudders today at the very thought of insufficient veneration of the Jews, could become tomorrow grateful to the Jews only for the wonderful idea about gas chambers that was incorporated in the hoax about the “six million,” and he would probably find a real personal satisfaction in putting the idea into practice at last. As Gracián says, the prudent man will ascertain where power really lies, in order to use those who have it and to spurn those who have it not.
Revilo P. Oliver, 1981Backed into a corner by an ideology that promises to erase them, White Leftists have two options - do something drastic to claim oppressed status (such as sexual reassignment surgery), or join the Alt-Right. The fad of claiming to be transgender is actually an attempt by White kids to feebly clutch at oppressed status by literally making shit up. Demisexual, genderfluid, and other fashionable gender terms are not just simple nonsense, although at first glance the list of Tumblr genders appears that way. They're a social survival tool, as the cost of Whiteness is increasingly the ability to freely participate in the supposedly prestigious social circles of academia. The cost of Whiteness is imposed on goodthinkful Whites by minorities.
During my undergraduate, I had the grim opportunity to observe the behavior of a somewhat older black woman who bears a striking resemblance to the author of the piece I linked to on how White 'allies' must behave. Fortunately I never had class with this woman, but I would occasionally see her in my department's study lounge. A girl pulled a book off of the shelf to use in conjunction with whatever her small study group was working on, and some time later this woman came in looking for her book, which coincidentally was the exact same book that the first girl pulled off of the bookshelf in a common area. The next ten minutes were grimly amusing in the same sort of way that you might be amused by watching someone you find annoying take repeated punches to the face. The woman berated the study group with a particularly nasty series of passive-aggressive questions about why you would think that you have the right to touch a book in a common area of a public university. The girl who pulled the book off the shelf apologized profusely for touching a book left on a shelf in a common area of a public university, and satisfied that she had forced a handful of white kids to grovel for the crime of touching the book she left.
Do you remember what Tolkien said about Smaug's reaction to the theft of his cup? An no, I am not referencing the behavior of the Negress.
Goodthinkful and naive though these White students were, and likely still are, the look of servile embarrassment on their faces suggested to me something similar to the classic "this is not what I paid for". How many of these sort of rude and sudden left hooks to the dome will goodthinkful Whites take? The most common answer I get from Alt-Right fellows I've talked to in person is something akin to all the punches, which is puerile, vapid, reflexive, and frankly a little disappointing. This isn't to say that this sort of thing is without precedent, as Leftists are notorious for fleeing the (usually ethnic) destruction which their policies wreak upon their petty enclaves. But what if there's no where else to run?
My prediction, which I will reiterate until we are finally done rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, is that the closer Leftist institutions get to pushing out all Whites from circles of prestige, the greater the pressure to eject will build within the White Leftist caste. At first, a select few will bridge the gap between conventional Progressive Idealism and the Alt-Right. While I am not casting aspersions per se on Messrs. Kessler and Archer because I do not know them personally, and likely will never meet them face to face where I can draw conclusions for myself, it is none the less increasingly obvious to me that these two are among the first high-profile Leftist converts. It is also very likely true that the earlier converts will more readily assimilate into the organic Alt-Right host culture, but like subsequent generations of immigrants, the Leftist crossover will more and more taint Alt-Right culture in temperament, though probably not philosophically.
If that is true, it is likely that the "conspiracy" angle will ease an otherwise dubious and unlikely transition. Kalergi's prediction about race may be enraging and frightening to those among us who have woken to the precarious situation of our race, culture and nations, but I have yet to meet someone who has read, much less owns, Kalergi's book in any part other than as it is presented as a common image on a certain Cambodian basket-weaving forum. Considering that much of what is believed about the designs oven-dodging coin clutchers have in store for Huwyte people originates with images on 4chan and elsewhere, I reserve any serious judgement beyond my continued insistence that this shit is far less important than any of you really think. The classic quote from the David Rockefeller book being taken wildly out of context and selectively omitting the preceding and following paragraphs is further cause for my reservations about coin clutching cabals.
My reservations, however justified I think they may be, are irrelevant, and for the purposes of the Alt-Right none the less serve as a ready-made, cookie cutter framework recently converted Leftists can conveniently jam themselves into in order to ease the transition from one wing of politics to the other. A less studious conservative might huff and puff at the anti-White invective, and mumble to themselves (ineffectively as well) about how wildly disproportionate the response would be if the slew of anti-White people articles coming out of Salon, HuffPo, et. al. were directed at Jews. To this I say to our humble but unimaginative cuck, worry not! Someday they will. All you have to do is switch the adjectives, and boom! Target adjusted. And how easy these people may someday find it, to put the ovens myth to the test.
This, however, does not solve the problem of White people and quality.
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