Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The End of the White Left

If I were a boring girl on the Faceberg, Roissy would be my spirit animal. Thankfully, I am neither female nor on Facebook, both telltale signs of being boring. I seldom find myself in any sort of disagreement with the dark, brutal truth machine at the Chateau, but today is one of those days.

The Reflexive Retreat To Pretty Lies
You can’t convert such people, because there isn’t enough Truth in the world to cure them of their addiction to false narratives.
CH I beg to disagree. File this under "Unpopular Opinions, Shitlord Edition". Its not that there isn't enough Truth for these people - that part is true. The truth is irrelevant to people who enthusiastically declare material information off limits. The truth is even more irrelevant to the sort of people who use language explicitly for harvesting signals and boosting status. You can convert them, however. Actually, what I should say is that they will convert, and unlike the great and glorious LARP of huwyte sharia holding a razor sharp scimitar broadsword inches from the throats of squirming SWPLs while they are forced to recite the fourteen words or die, the conversion of the wretched White urbanite caste will be a little less... dramatic.

Like I said, this is an unpopular opinion, and I should add this corollary: I may very well be wrong. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me pontificate or bloviate as the case may be.

This is a fairly well known chart that plots a basic market bubble.
Here is the same chart dutifully edited to coincide with points of Leftist social mania.

Wow what a compelling argument. Thanks, I realize that by itself, this is a little dumb, but it slightly activates the old almonds. I've obviously overlooked something despite the 9001 hours in MSPaint it took to edit that graph. Well, actually I didn't miss anything, I just didn't specify what a specific axis of my new graph means... or is valued at. Obviously in graph one "valuation" is a stand in for currency.

Valuation in the second graph means the value of a signal. This is going to sound autistic and I swear to god I'm not. I'm just a recent college grad with a lot of time to kill and poor job prospects.

Reputation is one of those seemingly immaterial things that conventional wisdom holds that you can't exactly put a price on, like love, family, community and oral from a world-class deep throat artist. Except that you can price those things in non-monetary terms. For instance, mass proliferation of world-class deep throat artists coincides with civilizational decline. Like the famous ice cream sales to murders ratio, correlation doesn't equal causation, but the coincidence is undeniable. Anyone familiar with basic dissident Right talking points understands that the sexually permissive society that we live in is slowly crushing itself under the weight of it's hedonism. For better or for worse...

Anyways, back to reputations:

A reputation can be broken down into smaller units in the same way that a dollar is made up of so many cents, except that the base unit of a reputation is not pennies but signals. The tendency of shitty White millennials to virtue signal is an effort towards reputation construction and maintenance on their part. Unfortunately for shitty White millennials who virtue signal, the Left is running out of room and fuel and each purity spiral is tighter and faster than the one previously. Hence the necessity of keeping up with all 365 genders, the comically expanding LGBTQABBQ acronym, postmodern infused academic articles that are less and less etymologically legible, etc.

While the hilariously unhinged reaction to Trump has a number of root causes, probably the most overlooked cause is that Trump's completely surprising ascendancy to the White House seriously damaged the value of a shitlib signal vis-a-vis the repudiation of the classic "right side of history" trope.

Shitty White millennials bleat incessantly about the right/wrong side of history not because they are studious historians or capable of accurate predictions or even because they have any sort of far future time horizon. A cursory look at the White urbanite aesthetic, grasp of history and patterns of social behavior suggests that those most deeply devoted to the religion of Progressive Idealism are also, coincidentally, the most wretched. Upon interacting with a garden variety White SJW during my undergraduate, my second intuition (following closely behind intuition number one - what a fucking cunt) was always, always, always a deep suspicion, sometimes confirmed through later pseudo-friendly interrogations, that the SJW in question was extremely unpopular or had very few friends in high school.

Rather, the incessant condescending lecture about the who and whom of right and wrong sides of history is a massive, wildly inflated market of signalling. A bubble, if you will. Forgetting the most obvious (((who))) regarding the origination of certain postmodern tropes and memes for a moment - as in my opinion it is irrelevant - the great machine of cultural Marxism or ultracalvinism, depending on which name you prefer, is fueled by the broken dreams of a million low quality Whites who would not have survived to reproduce had this era been any era other than the comfortable but wildly dysgenic post-scarcity nightmare we've all woken up to. They are sustained by the hypnotic and seductive lie of postmodernism, the falsest of flattery that by kneeling before the altar of dildocracy, they are purged of their inferior quality and recast as altruism incarnate. This wild illusion was shattered by Trump. Trump, for all his bumps and bruises, is a godsend to Heritage America because he upended the wool that had been pulled over everyone's eyes. Left and Right.

For we who dared to dream and dissent, Trump serves a purpose at least as a span of breathing room under which we might gather our full strength to resist the inevitable onslaught of a resurgent Left. You who read this, whoever you are, I hope you're making the best of what little time we are given. For the Left, however, Trump was the proverbial rug pulled out from under them: The signals plummeted in value because current events failed to follow Leftist prediction on a pretty spectacular level. It may be that the Russia narrative is particularly high level Leftists attempting to force a square peg into a round hole, so to speak, in order to neatly explain how it is that their wildly unpopular worldview exploded with the full fury of a strawberry blonde comb-over. Then again, there may be other things going on.

It is not an unfair thing to say that the autistic screeching of the worst of our tribe is far less genuine concern for the downtrodden, and far more genuine concern for the calories burned (usually metaphorically) in acquiring progressive credentials. Trump's election represents the possibility that progessivism really is a bubble, and if that is true, then the eventual obliteration of social credentials through the end of White Leftism means that the SJWs go back to being resentful friendless losers like in high school. At that point, they will flee to wherever they can find a secure purchase, and attempt to harvest signals once again.

How this all shakes out will likely be strongly influenced by two major trends and potentially a third black swan event:

1. The increase in hostility towards White allies from minorities.

I've made it a bit of a point to highlight the increasingly poor treatment goodthinkful Whites receive from their wayward mercenaries. At some point, either they will defect or be eaten.

2. The Alt-Right reaching critical mass

Placing a premium on aesthetics, humor and class will enable the Alt-Right to build off of its ideological foundations and reach mainstream ears. The Alt-Right needs to look like this, not this. Reveling in beauty compliments the harsh but necessary truth of inequality. However deceptive the media is - and no one doubts they are - creating an aesthetic gap between the Alt-Right and the SJW crowd should be a freebie. Its also probably the most important step to turning hearts and minds. If you're part of an Alt-Right clique and you have moobs... start lifting.

... And, if a fraction of what I've read turns out to be true,

3. The total unveiling of the inner-workings of the DNC under Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

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