I attended a long string of high school graduations this month. I cannot say I particularly enjoy graduation ceremonies. Even out there, beyond the corn fields bordering the urban sprawl, when the principal or superintendent recites the "I confer up on you... that you have faithfully executed your academic duties... that you have met the standards set by..." blah blah blah, I am reminded that the insidious tentacles of the Cathedral truly reach far and wide. Even out here. A man, disgruntled and sweating in the 95 degree heat commented on the quantity of teachers and how he now understood why his property taxes were so high. A few people around him chuckled. The pensions! Ah, the pensions.
If I were to say that conservatives were the sort of people who routinely fail to see the forest from the trees, that would be unduly charitable. To take the metaphor and extend it appropriately to describe your average Republican thinker (syndicated or otherwise), it's not just that they don't see the forest. They don't even see a tree, because they're too busy staring at a single leaf. Case in point, the curious tendency of our ruling class to sympathize, if not wholeheartedly subscribe to, the teachings of Karl Marx. Well, it may not be exactly fair to say that they subscribe to Karl Marx, because a cursory reading of the Communist Manifesto should alert the most unserious of students to the decidedly bourgeois nature of academic communists. Then again, most academic communists haven't actually read Marx.
Anyways, conservatives, when their political lethargy and cowardice are not otherwise inhibiting them, will sputter about how communism doesn't work and how communism killed one hundred million people and even, if they happen to be slightly more clever than the rest, will recite Rothbard's explanation on how communism necessitates managerialism, begetting a classed society, and returning communists to the rejected premise of a stratified society.
That's actually the point, dummkopf.
The whole point of the wholehearted subscription to communism isn't to bring about a better world. Perhaps somewhere in the back of their minds these sort of people believe that communism is, indeed, a more just system than whatever you want to call the system we're living under. But justice, true justice or otherwise, is a decidedly ancillary goal for these people. So ancillary in fact, that the rotten consequences of putting communists into power are basically as inconsequential as a bug colliding with a windshield. Why is that? Because goal numero uno is a goal sadly rooted in the solipsistic nature of our bourgeois friends: The acquisition of power, and all of it's benefits, minus the responsibility and obligations. Next thanksgiving when your obnoxious relatives screech about the Trumpenreich, remember not to marvel too hard at the thought of a world run by these sort of people being the sort of world where one hundred million people starve to death, purposefully or otherwise.
Of course, "total communism", a-la the rhetoric of stupid idiots such as this unfortunate young woman, the theory of, the implementation there of, and life under, are the leaf you don't want to get caught staring at, lest we find ourselves to have degenerated into conservatives. So help me God, may I never.
The distribution of power has been repeatedly fractured since the dissolution of the European monarchies. Each iteration of power smashing did not reduce the sum total power, as it were, but rather distributed it among a wider, more specific tier of people. To childishly simplify the idea of power distribution, first we had kings, then we had an aristocracy, followed by senators under republicanism, which eventually beget the individualized power of the mob. Each step down has been a disastrous lurch towards anarchy as the new power holders scrambled over one another to consolidate as much power as they could, before they died and the power evaporated as their corpses cooled to room temperature.
In the here and now, power has degenerated so much that the petty squabbling of self-interested parties is almost entirely comprised of the college educated, aspirational urbanite class. Once in a while, the mob contracts violently and vomits out a class of people to shave off a fraction of competitors for those tiny shards of power. Most obviously, since you are probably a dissident right-winger, the whole "white privilege" schtick was less about rectifying social ills and more about removing competition for power, resources, access, social networks, whatever. The Alt-Right mistakes the over-representation of Jews among the power grubbing nascent and real elite for an explicit conspiracy by our coin-clutching guests, rather than the implicit conspiracy of a group of people predisposed to grasp at social authority because they are, ahem, less-than-worthy by any classic metric of "who-should-rule vs. who-should-be-ruled". In a sane world, these sort of people would have been, how shall I say this politely? Put down?
Less obviously, the mob recently experienced - really, is still experiencing - a violent contraction vis-a-vis the #metoo movement. Hilariously, most of the expelled are prominent Jewish males in the media class, with a smattering of Black and White men as well. How exactly this coincides with the explicit conspiracy of Jewish power is, frankly, beyond my interest in attempting to explain. If you get stuck at "the Jews", you are unfortunately staring at that leaf again.
Consequent to the shattering power and the vicious scramble by newly enabled individuals to consolidate said power, the self-interested class of power seekers must constantly climb over one another for said power through the cancerous phenomenon called "virtue signalling". Because virtue signalling necessitates one-upsmanship, what is considered virtuous is subjected to an exponential curve. Forty years ago, 'virtuous' was not calling black people racial epithets. Twenty years ago, virtuous was having a black friend without noticing that your friend was black. Today, virtuous is ceding all moral authority to blacks - no matter how poorly behaved, no matter how ridiculous the circumstances. Again, to avoid leaf-gazing, I should strongly emphasize that mentioning blacks has nothing to do with blacks per-se, but has everything to do with the wildly degenerated condition of White people. Blacks don't do anything to us that we do not allow. Same for Jews, banks, globalists, Muslims, Mexican illegals, etc.
Several iterations of power shattering and the consequent scramble through virtue signalling is a highly degenerate selection pressure on would be leaders. We need not mince words here - the people who lead us are mostly awful. Whether they lead us from a seat in congress or from the media bully pulpit or from the red carpet, they are, almost without exception, awful. It isn't just that they themselves are often physically repugnant or hilariously deformed in some way - David Hogg's pathetic frame is a perfect example of what I mean by deformed - what's even worse is that they are bad at leading. You would be extremely hard pressed to find a subject matter where our ruling class actually made an improvement rather than made a problem worse.
Their ideas in and of themselves are utter garbage. Last post I joked about how these people effectively delude themselves into thinking that it is education that makes a person smart, rather than natural aptitude. They, of course, believe this entirely out of self-interest. They are educated, therefore they should rule! Probably an easier subject matter to illustrate what I'm getting at is the debate over the individual's right to own firearms. Forget, for a moment, that the vitriol aspirational urbanites spew at their gun-toting countrymen is entirely predicated on the (very well advised) fear that one day Cletus and Bubba and all their cousins and relations and neighbors might finally reach their breaking point with the snotty liberal douchebag shtick and lay waste to hipster neighborhoods (if only they would). The proposed mechanism behind gun controls is, at least on paper, hilarious. We'll just tell them to turn in their guns! Or, We'll get the cops or the army to go around and take their guns!
I really shouldn't have to explain to anyone why that's stupid. Besides the prospect of unarmed urbanites starting a war with people who own lots of guns, even more ammo, and who produce food, the idea that cops are going to be really enthusiastic about becoming a bullet sponge for some dipshit hipster's utopian wet dream is, well, only the sort of idea a demented ruling class could come up with.
Here's to hoping that they follow through.
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