Take a look at this picture.
That is, indeed, Sheila Jackson-Lee, U.S. Representative from the 18th Congressional District of Texas. While this woman is astonishingly stupid, one picture of Sheila Jackson-Lee isn't much to shake the proverbial stick at - if you don't mind me butchering an old colloquialism.
But what's on her finger allegedly is. If you don't mind looking closely at the ring on her finger, you may notice that said ring sports an interesting design: A triangle that runs into itself. Allegedly, and I will return to the alleged in a moment, this design is a pedophile symbol, according to those among us who claim expertise on the narrow field of pedophile symbology.
Now, I cannot confirm whether or not pedophiles have adopted symbols by which they may quietly signal their preferences to one another. It is interesting to me that a .pdf was released by Wikileaks some time ago, which you can reference here. It would not surprise me if pedophiles used codes and symbols to signal to one another. Pedophiles, being a group or caste, would be likely to develop their own internal culture (however despicable) much the same way groups as innocuous as RC airplane enthusiasts have their own internal culture. Groups far less innocent than that, who routinely engage in illegal activities - habitual drug users and gang members, for example - develop their own internal culture, language, symbols, etc. of which there is generally wider public knowledge. Why would it be less so for a group engaging in the ultimate social taboo? If there is a subset of the population that routinely engages in cannibalism, I would also expect that they, too, would develop their own internal culture, assuming that they were capable of congregating.
That said, I still cannot satisfactorily confirm, for my own purposes, that they symbol on Sheila Jackson-Lee's finger is a pedophilic symbol. It certainly is intriguing, and if you happen to watch the CSPAN archived recording of the December 16, 2009 meeting pictured in the above image, you can confirm for yourself that this image is, indeed, genuine. You'll see it at the 5:01 mark.
I was certainly moved when I did the research myself and watched the recording of the meeting in question. I cannot say to you, without lying, that my pulse rate didn't rise when I saw videographic confirmation that Sheila Jackson-Lee was, indeed, wearing jewelry that matched a known pedophilic symbol. It would not be untrue for me to say that I want to believe. But want or no, my purpose here is not to substantiate that our overlords are a cabal of pedophiles. I'll leave that to you to figure out for yourself.
I generally do not indulge in conspiracies, as I have mentioned in several other posts. I generally do not do this because, like the constant griping about a certain tribe of coin clutching merchants, I see conspiracies as a counterproductive force. Reading about conspiracy theories is an interesting past time - certainly one of my stranger hobbies - but there comes a point where you depart from merely orbiting that black hole. You enter the event horizon, and nothing short of a miracle will pull you back out. I've seen it before with my own eyes, the madness - oh the madness. And it is, indeed, maddening to think of the more convincing conspiracies. Constantly fretting over it, in my opinion, serves us more as a placebo than as actual medicine. There are other things you should be doing! Lift weights, read old books, make friends, fall in love with a woman who has fallen in love with you. Become great! The false promise of easy (if painful to swallow) knowledge a conspiracy theory lends an individual inhibits him from creating his own destiny. His own invictus. It becomes an obsession, and then consumes him. He will grow no further, turn inwards, and hollow himself out, only to replace his potential with a sort of deification of a power other than his own. Let me tell you about the Jews, etc.
There are no shortcuts worth taking because nothing worthy is ever gained without extracting the appropriate cost. Your muscles can be artificially swollen with synthol but you will still be pathetic and weak even if you manage to make your synthol injections appear natural. When a savage challenges you, he will throw you down and carry off your woman. The same, I think, holds true for the promise of hidden knowledge conspiracy theories offer. I cannot think of a better analogy, so let's leave it be.
That long winded (I am a reactionary) caveat out of the way, allow me to contradict myself somewhat.
Should there be some sort of mass revelation that unequivocally shows (i.e. through video evidence) that our elites are Satan worshiping pedophiles, I would not in the least be surprised. This isn't because of the purported evidence surrounding Pizzagate and QAnon, but because our elites have already demonstrated through their public actions that they are unrepentantly evil. I need not reiterate their crimes to increase the wordcount of this essay. I am no longer in college and therefore word counts don't matter much anymore. That said, should Pizzagate and QAnon be revealed as a rather elaborate bit of larping, my opinion on our elites would not change the slightest. You and I, friend, see beyond the veil already. We chose the path of the reactionary: the path less traveled. We have paid the price for delving too greedily and too deep. You know what it cost you. I know what it cost me. And consequent to that, we already know what others have only begun to suspect. I could wax poetic in true reactionary form for a few paragraphs, but brevity is the soul of wit, and some humble anon conveniently deduced the psychic fate of all reactionaries since the end of the Kings:
We don't need anything more. no elaborate conspiracies, no grand narratives, nothing, nothing, because we already know how awful things really are.
But you know who doesn't know? Normal, regular, everyday jackoffs.
Since we're on the topic of QAnon, one of the more interesting parts of the conspiracy is the alleged motive for Trump's presidential bid. He was asked to run, implicitly by a cabal of military officials. The 'why' belongs to those who have chosen to go down the rabbit hole. I have no need to, but you are free to do so - I really don't recommend this, by the way. But consider a hypothetical:
Suppose you needed to depose a wayward ruling class. They're completely off their rockers. Everything they touch turns to shit, and when they hold the most power things fall apart in the most spectacular fashion. If you want your nation to survive, these people have to go. So what do you do? Killing them is an obvious solution, but even if you managed to kill all of them, their offices, positions, titles and powers would only be vacant for a brief period, before someone else filled the void. How would you go about destroying them and discrediting the power they've gathered under themselves?
Something worth thinking about.
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