Cognitive dissonance is a term that suffers from the same affliction that plagues "begging the question" and "literally". This affliction, which appears to only have gotten worse, is the terrible social disease called using words and phrases incorrectly. In small doses, distorting terms can be tolerable, even humorous, as we live in a world where people exhibit a range of intelligence, from the smartest to the least. As such, we would be woefully mistaken to hold everyone to the same standard in that regard. Only a self-important asshole would attempt to correct an idiot's spoken grammar. And you'd have to be a bit of a cunt to expect your average Becky to explain quantum mechanics.
The acceleration of the distortion of words and meanings is probably due to the expanding ranks of the educated, who are exposed to a near lethal dose of the prestige philosophy of academia called postmodernism. Among other its other premises, postmodernism staunchly denies objectivity and truth, which opens the door to a whole host of ancillary social ills. "Fat is beautiful" is a quick example of one of postmodernism's delusional, inbred offspring. Agreeing that humans with male genitalia are woman if they declare that they are female is another example. Explicit postmodernists are, interestingly, rarer in academia than you might think, and practically nonexistent in the wild. This is probably at least partially due to the Millennial tendency to eschew permanent labels. It's probably mostly caused by the Millennial tendency to never actually read academic literature. Repeating stuff over and over again is easier (and just as profitable).
Nevertheless, despite the paucity of actual postmodernists, the philosophy itself is surprisingly widespread. Here, an epidemiologist would use the term "virulence". Whether or not a young scholar explicitly subscribes to postmodernism, he likely believes, or at least repeats until he convinces himself that he does believe, in the main tenants of postmodernism, which was transmitted to him by an adjunct professor who did very little reading himself, who was taught by a professor who, however disinterested he may have been in anything other than tenure, nonetheless assigned literature written by an ancient ideologue. The core of the philosophy and the prestige associated with it are what gets passed down, even if the original nuance was lost. Hence the tendency of academics to butcher words and phrases in favor of whatever is currently fashionable among the mob.
Which brings me back to cognitive dissonance.
People point to young earth creationists, for example, and laugh about how they must be afflicted with a bad case of cognitive dissonance whenever they look at dinosaur bones. I haven't bumped into a young earth creationist in a very long time, so I am skeptical of the threat that they supposedly pose for our new society, but we'll play along for the time being. Young earth creationists, unfortunately, do not suffer from the effects of cognitive dissonance when they see a fossil, or geological stratification, or radiometric dating techniques. This is because the young earth creationist does not hold two contradictory views with regards to the existence of dinosaurs and other extinct megafauna. However erroneous, the young earth creationist satisfactorily explains all evidence with some elaboration on 'because the Bible tells me so', and because the young earth creationist believes that the Bible does, indeed, tell him so, it is so. And God saw that it was good, etc. Stupid, perhaps, and it would not be unfair to say that this branch of low-church Protestantism has done far more to damage the Body of Christ than, say, the Crusades, but cognitive dissonance it is not.
Where might we find a fresh example of cognitive dissonance, then?
I recently read that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy was retiring. In my post-workday lethargy, I happened across a number of salt-mining threads on the ol' Cambodian basket weaving forum. For those of you who do not know, salt-mining here means reveling in Progressive butthurt. I will probably giggle myself to sleep tonight. Maybe not as enthusiastically as the night of the election, but I will sleep soundly.
Progressives have many interesting and thoughtful ways of transmitting ideas and feelings to one another and the public, most of which revolve around the Harry Potter franchise, but because our interest here is to examine cognitive dissonance rather than chuckle at millennial-twitter asspain, suffice it to say that their exasperation at Trump's second Supreme Court nomination can be summarized thusly:
It wasn't supposed to happen this way; we were on the right side of history.
"The right side of history" is a nebulous term, at best, but in reality is a rhetorical trick based in the same sort of thinking of that one kid when you were young enough to play superheroes at the playground who decided that his superpower was to have all the superpowers.
Substantively, there isn't a whole lot behind the words of the phrase. Conservatives, being a near perfect foil for a reactionary like yours truly, ask their political opponents how you can logically conclude that you are on the correct side of history, when history has yet to happen? This, in typical conservative fashion, is nonsense. Thanks conservatives!
The right side of history doesn't mean anything, because people who declare they are on the right side of history are just repeating stuff. The more I have interacted with run-of-the-mill millennial progressives, the less sure I am that the person opposite me is actually thinking about anything. If philosophical zombies exist, this is the closest I've gotten to proving it. The best I've been able to tease out of these people when they use that phrase is basically the future is going to be better because there will be more stuff that I like. And you like said stuff because? Hold it right there, if you start telling me about how said stuff is moral, I'll call bull fucking shit right now. You're the most narcissistic, self-important people ever in every category, period, but I'm supposed to suspend my disbelief for this one category. Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.
It seems to me that the impetus for the liberal overreaction to Trump has less to do with anything Trump does, but rather because he is. Progressives must constantly contend with two contradictory statements: They are on the right side of history, while at the same time Trump is Hitler and he's going to send progressives to death camps. Oh, if only. It was never supposed to be this way, though. As people on our side of the fence like to gleefully repeat, they actually thought she was going to win. When we say that, of course, its always in reference to the elites and their behavior. The would-be elites, however, thought the same thing, but for different reasons. Imagine, if you will, being ripped to shreds by your political opponents for having repeatedly said something as stupid as "Nuh uh, I'm on the right side of history", only to be proven wrong by a boisterous, strawberry blonde comb-over with an orange glow - who by the way is busy stacking the courts with your political opponents while you reeee. Imagine how embarrassing it must be to be as stupid as Marie Harf, once your cover is blown and the whole world is laughing at your shocking ignorance masquerading as beneficent nuance. Imagine blindly following the advice of people who told you that it's in your best interests, even empowering, to spend your most fertile and attractive years as a desk jockey, only to shock yourself awake when you finally hit the wall you thought you critically analyzed out of existence, but now you're old, wrinkly, fat, an alcoholic, and alone. Imagine watching everything you hoped would give you power over your fellow man only because you craved the power and not because you deserved it come crashing to the ground, leaving you with nothing but the inescapable realization that you are incompetent, stupid, and worthless.
Now imagine that boot on their faces, forever.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Hot Hot Take: Conspiracy Edition
Take a look at this picture.
That is, indeed, Sheila Jackson-Lee, U.S. Representative from the 18th Congressional District of Texas. While this woman is astonishingly stupid, one picture of Sheila Jackson-Lee isn't much to shake the proverbial stick at - if you don't mind me butchering an old colloquialism.
But what's on her finger allegedly is. If you don't mind looking closely at the ring on her finger, you may notice that said ring sports an interesting design: A triangle that runs into itself. Allegedly, and I will return to the alleged in a moment, this design is a pedophile symbol, according to those among us who claim expertise on the narrow field of pedophile symbology.
Now, I cannot confirm whether or not pedophiles have adopted symbols by which they may quietly signal their preferences to one another. It is interesting to me that a .pdf was released by Wikileaks some time ago, which you can reference here. It would not surprise me if pedophiles used codes and symbols to signal to one another. Pedophiles, being a group or caste, would be likely to develop their own internal culture (however despicable) much the same way groups as innocuous as RC airplane enthusiasts have their own internal culture. Groups far less innocent than that, who routinely engage in illegal activities - habitual drug users and gang members, for example - develop their own internal culture, language, symbols, etc. of which there is generally wider public knowledge. Why would it be less so for a group engaging in the ultimate social taboo? If there is a subset of the population that routinely engages in cannibalism, I would also expect that they, too, would develop their own internal culture, assuming that they were capable of congregating.
That said, I still cannot satisfactorily confirm, for my own purposes, that they symbol on Sheila Jackson-Lee's finger is a pedophilic symbol. It certainly is intriguing, and if you happen to watch the CSPAN archived recording of the December 16, 2009 meeting pictured in the above image, you can confirm for yourself that this image is, indeed, genuine. You'll see it at the 5:01 mark.
I was certainly moved when I did the research myself and watched the recording of the meeting in question. I cannot say to you, without lying, that my pulse rate didn't rise when I saw videographic confirmation that Sheila Jackson-Lee was, indeed, wearing jewelry that matched a known pedophilic symbol. It would not be untrue for me to say that I want to believe. But want or no, my purpose here is not to substantiate that our overlords are a cabal of pedophiles. I'll leave that to you to figure out for yourself.
I generally do not indulge in conspiracies, as I have mentioned in several other posts. I generally do not do this because, like the constant griping about a certain tribe of coin clutching merchants, I see conspiracies as a counterproductive force. Reading about conspiracy theories is an interesting past time - certainly one of my stranger hobbies - but there comes a point where you depart from merely orbiting that black hole. You enter the event horizon, and nothing short of a miracle will pull you back out. I've seen it before with my own eyes, the madness - oh the madness. And it is, indeed, maddening to think of the more convincing conspiracies. Constantly fretting over it, in my opinion, serves us more as a placebo than as actual medicine. There are other things you should be doing! Lift weights, read old books, make friends, fall in love with a woman who has fallen in love with you. Become great! The false promise of easy (if painful to swallow) knowledge a conspiracy theory lends an individual inhibits him from creating his own destiny. His own invictus. It becomes an obsession, and then consumes him. He will grow no further, turn inwards, and hollow himself out, only to replace his potential with a sort of deification of a power other than his own. Let me tell you about the Jews, etc.
There are no shortcuts worth taking because nothing worthy is ever gained without extracting the appropriate cost. Your muscles can be artificially swollen with synthol but you will still be pathetic and weak even if you manage to make your synthol injections appear natural. When a savage challenges you, he will throw you down and carry off your woman. The same, I think, holds true for the promise of hidden knowledge conspiracy theories offer. I cannot think of a better analogy, so let's leave it be.
That long winded (I am a reactionary) caveat out of the way, allow me to contradict myself somewhat.
Should there be some sort of mass revelation that unequivocally shows (i.e. through video evidence) that our elites are Satan worshiping pedophiles, I would not in the least be surprised. This isn't because of the purported evidence surrounding Pizzagate and QAnon, but because our elites have already demonstrated through their public actions that they are unrepentantly evil. I need not reiterate their crimes to increase the wordcount of this essay. I am no longer in college and therefore word counts don't matter much anymore. That said, should Pizzagate and QAnon be revealed as a rather elaborate bit of larping, my opinion on our elites would not change the slightest. You and I, friend, see beyond the veil already. We chose the path of the reactionary: the path less traveled. We have paid the price for delving too greedily and too deep. You know what it cost you. I know what it cost me. And consequent to that, we already know what others have only begun to suspect. I could wax poetic in true reactionary form for a few paragraphs, but brevity is the soul of wit, and some humble anon conveniently deduced the psychic fate of all reactionaries since the end of the Kings:
We don't need anything more. no elaborate conspiracies, no grand narratives, nothing, nothing, because we already know how awful things really are.
But you know who doesn't know? Normal, regular, everyday jackoffs.
Since we're on the topic of QAnon, one of the more interesting parts of the conspiracy is the alleged motive for Trump's presidential bid. He was asked to run, implicitly by a cabal of military officials. The 'why' belongs to those who have chosen to go down the rabbit hole. I have no need to, but you are free to do so - I really don't recommend this, by the way. But consider a hypothetical:
Suppose you needed to depose a wayward ruling class. They're completely off their rockers. Everything they touch turns to shit, and when they hold the most power things fall apart in the most spectacular fashion. If you want your nation to survive, these people have to go. So what do you do? Killing them is an obvious solution, but even if you managed to kill all of them, their offices, positions, titles and powers would only be vacant for a brief period, before someone else filled the void. How would you go about destroying them and discrediting the power they've gathered under themselves?
Something worth thinking about.
That is, indeed, Sheila Jackson-Lee, U.S. Representative from the 18th Congressional District of Texas. While this woman is astonishingly stupid, one picture of Sheila Jackson-Lee isn't much to shake the proverbial stick at - if you don't mind me butchering an old colloquialism.
But what's on her finger allegedly is. If you don't mind looking closely at the ring on her finger, you may notice that said ring sports an interesting design: A triangle that runs into itself. Allegedly, and I will return to the alleged in a moment, this design is a pedophile symbol, according to those among us who claim expertise on the narrow field of pedophile symbology.
Now, I cannot confirm whether or not pedophiles have adopted symbols by which they may quietly signal their preferences to one another. It is interesting to me that a .pdf was released by Wikileaks some time ago, which you can reference here. It would not surprise me if pedophiles used codes and symbols to signal to one another. Pedophiles, being a group or caste, would be likely to develop their own internal culture (however despicable) much the same way groups as innocuous as RC airplane enthusiasts have their own internal culture. Groups far less innocent than that, who routinely engage in illegal activities - habitual drug users and gang members, for example - develop their own internal culture, language, symbols, etc. of which there is generally wider public knowledge. Why would it be less so for a group engaging in the ultimate social taboo? If there is a subset of the population that routinely engages in cannibalism, I would also expect that they, too, would develop their own internal culture, assuming that they were capable of congregating.
That said, I still cannot satisfactorily confirm, for my own purposes, that they symbol on Sheila Jackson-Lee's finger is a pedophilic symbol. It certainly is intriguing, and if you happen to watch the CSPAN archived recording of the December 16, 2009 meeting pictured in the above image, you can confirm for yourself that this image is, indeed, genuine. You'll see it at the 5:01 mark.
I was certainly moved when I did the research myself and watched the recording of the meeting in question. I cannot say to you, without lying, that my pulse rate didn't rise when I saw videographic confirmation that Sheila Jackson-Lee was, indeed, wearing jewelry that matched a known pedophilic symbol. It would not be untrue for me to say that I want to believe. But want or no, my purpose here is not to substantiate that our overlords are a cabal of pedophiles. I'll leave that to you to figure out for yourself.
I generally do not indulge in conspiracies, as I have mentioned in several other posts. I generally do not do this because, like the constant griping about a certain tribe of coin clutching merchants, I see conspiracies as a counterproductive force. Reading about conspiracy theories is an interesting past time - certainly one of my stranger hobbies - but there comes a point where you depart from merely orbiting that black hole. You enter the event horizon, and nothing short of a miracle will pull you back out. I've seen it before with my own eyes, the madness - oh the madness. And it is, indeed, maddening to think of the more convincing conspiracies. Constantly fretting over it, in my opinion, serves us more as a placebo than as actual medicine. There are other things you should be doing! Lift weights, read old books, make friends, fall in love with a woman who has fallen in love with you. Become great! The false promise of easy (if painful to swallow) knowledge a conspiracy theory lends an individual inhibits him from creating his own destiny. His own invictus. It becomes an obsession, and then consumes him. He will grow no further, turn inwards, and hollow himself out, only to replace his potential with a sort of deification of a power other than his own. Let me tell you about the Jews, etc.
There are no shortcuts worth taking because nothing worthy is ever gained without extracting the appropriate cost. Your muscles can be artificially swollen with synthol but you will still be pathetic and weak even if you manage to make your synthol injections appear natural. When a savage challenges you, he will throw you down and carry off your woman. The same, I think, holds true for the promise of hidden knowledge conspiracy theories offer. I cannot think of a better analogy, so let's leave it be.
That long winded (I am a reactionary) caveat out of the way, allow me to contradict myself somewhat.
Should there be some sort of mass revelation that unequivocally shows (i.e. through video evidence) that our elites are Satan worshiping pedophiles, I would not in the least be surprised. This isn't because of the purported evidence surrounding Pizzagate and QAnon, but because our elites have already demonstrated through their public actions that they are unrepentantly evil. I need not reiterate their crimes to increase the wordcount of this essay. I am no longer in college and therefore word counts don't matter much anymore. That said, should Pizzagate and QAnon be revealed as a rather elaborate bit of larping, my opinion on our elites would not change the slightest. You and I, friend, see beyond the veil already. We chose the path of the reactionary: the path less traveled. We have paid the price for delving too greedily and too deep. You know what it cost you. I know what it cost me. And consequent to that, we already know what others have only begun to suspect. I could wax poetic in true reactionary form for a few paragraphs, but brevity is the soul of wit, and some humble anon conveniently deduced the psychic fate of all reactionaries since the end of the Kings:
We don't need anything more. no elaborate conspiracies, no grand narratives, nothing, nothing, because we already know how awful things really are.
But you know who doesn't know? Normal, regular, everyday jackoffs.
Since we're on the topic of QAnon, one of the more interesting parts of the conspiracy is the alleged motive for Trump's presidential bid. He was asked to run, implicitly by a cabal of military officials. The 'why' belongs to those who have chosen to go down the rabbit hole. I have no need to, but you are free to do so - I really don't recommend this, by the way. But consider a hypothetical:
Suppose you needed to depose a wayward ruling class. They're completely off their rockers. Everything they touch turns to shit, and when they hold the most power things fall apart in the most spectacular fashion. If you want your nation to survive, these people have to go. So what do you do? Killing them is an obvious solution, but even if you managed to kill all of them, their offices, positions, titles and powers would only be vacant for a brief period, before someone else filled the void. How would you go about destroying them and discrediting the power they've gathered under themselves?
Something worth thinking about.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Matthew 7:16
The topic of rural America, the hinterlands, is a topic I return to time and again, because I have chosen the path less traveled. Where old friends - and so old and dear they once were! - departed the safe and boring harbor of Suburbia for the fashionable lifestyle and associated accouterments of urban living, I chose the opposite. The countryside is where you will find me now.
On occasion, I happen across and old friend, or worse, a former friend, who discovers what I did. The horror! The horror! To associate with ruralites is a shame unto itself, but to become a ruralite? Apostasy! Heresy of the worst degree.
Don't you know those people vote against their own interests?
Yes. Yes indeed I do. I have been told many times, though from what I can gather, what you mean when you say that such and such people do not vote in their best interests is that you are aggrieved that they refused to submit to the political whims of the mob, the very same mob that allows you to willfully delude yourself into believing your power is more than what it actually is. You think because you say the right words that you have power. You have been deceived.
The mechanics of your self-deceit are irrelevant and boring as your grand political pronouncements. People have willingly, joyfully walked off cliffs believing they could fly countless other times, so forgive me for disagreeing with your grand internal narration, but you are not so special.
It is disconcerting, even alarming, though, that you have not taken an account of yourselves. Perhaps, were you to measure the quantity and quality of your own fruits, you would gain a greater understanding of why we came to hate you.
You place such grand importance on charity and altruism. "We must help such and such people!" you say among yourselves and nod in self-flattered agreement. And indeed, there are many people who are doing quite poorly in this little world of yours. But you need not travel far to see how poorly. It was so close to home! A metaphorical stones throw away, out beyond the corn fields. It's there, if only you would drive through instead of flying over. They closed down the factories, and one by one their eyes close too, under the weight of alcohol and methamphetamine and self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head. Where were you? Where was your altruism then? They were your neighbors! They are your kin! Instead of appearing with at least words of comfort, alms in the name of charity, a helping hand, what did you do? You spat on them. Called them names on every flickering screen from sea to shining sea. Reveled in their demise. You demanded sacrifice for the common good, the brotherhood of mankind - whatever the fuck that vapid, empty poetry means - and it cost you nothing! You took everything from them! And you ask more, still!
And when in fear and anger they cling to their guns - the only thing standing between you and them and the final rape of the hinterlands, you scheme and plot and wring your hands rage. How dare they defy you! Don't they know who you are?
Of course we know who you are. We know you by your fruits, because the rewards of this world - the dust blowing around in empty factories and the purposeless service industry jobs and the broken families and heroin addiction and suicide and death and agony - are rewards only because you rule when you have no right, when you are not able, and when you most of all are not worthy. How could you possibly be worthy when everything that could have gone wrong, has gone wrong?
Every single thing you people touch turns to shit. White people have gone to shit. Black people are shit. Men are wimpy shit, women are blue haired, shrill shit. Academia is shit, the economy is a pile of service oriented shit. Music? Shit. The military? Shit. Traditions? Shit. Science? Shit. Media, art, history, the humanities? Shit, shit and shit. Our nations prestige is shit, foreign relations are shit and the massive conglomerations that sold us out to pay off our political masters? Well what do we have here but more shit. But at least the food is great, amirite famalam?
Forgive me for being skeptical that one last time of allowing you to have your way, to dictate what shall be and shall not be will somehow result in anything other than shit. You chafe at our skepticism, our disobedience, our rebellion, because you already know that you are not worthy and our wrath grows daily and your power, such little that it exists beyond the delusions of grandeur you've concocted - oh your power is so tenuous. So fragile. Wearily, I will shoulder my rifle when the day comes to take up arms. The days of the White Leftist are drawing to a close, and it seems likely that there will be war, sooner or later. And my side? We may yet fall. Whatever limited advantages we have may fail us. This is fine, if I at least go down swinging when the time comes, then I will return to the Earth from whence I came with no less honor than the victorious who came before me. I know who I side with. But you? There is no way out for you, and you know it. No exit. No salvation. No redemption.
If we win - when we win - you already know your fate. Even now, as Heritage America is just beginning to stir, just beginning to dream of victory, you sweat out your ancient nightmares - the hinterlands have come! There is nowhere left to hide, and they come not to negotiate - but to kill. And they will. They will, before the end. They will seek vengeance. I hope they receive it. You flatter yourself by chiding them on how they have no hope of winning a war against the U.S. government. Who say's they're going to fight the Feds, or the Army? They aren't coming for the cops or for the marines. They're coming for you, idiot.
And when you win? If you win? You don't really win, because assuming the third world mercenaries you imported to do your dirty work for you actually fight instead of flee when the gibs machine dries up, you go against the wall all the same. You'd know this if you actually studied the communism you love to preach.
One way, or the other, we won't be seeing you in Valhalla.
On occasion, I happen across and old friend, or worse, a former friend, who discovers what I did. The horror! The horror! To associate with ruralites is a shame unto itself, but to become a ruralite? Apostasy! Heresy of the worst degree.
Don't you know those people vote against their own interests?
Yes. Yes indeed I do. I have been told many times, though from what I can gather, what you mean when you say that such and such people do not vote in their best interests is that you are aggrieved that they refused to submit to the political whims of the mob, the very same mob that allows you to willfully delude yourself into believing your power is more than what it actually is. You think because you say the right words that you have power. You have been deceived.
The mechanics of your self-deceit are irrelevant and boring as your grand political pronouncements. People have willingly, joyfully walked off cliffs believing they could fly countless other times, so forgive me for disagreeing with your grand internal narration, but you are not so special.
It is disconcerting, even alarming, though, that you have not taken an account of yourselves. Perhaps, were you to measure the quantity and quality of your own fruits, you would gain a greater understanding of why we came to hate you.
You place such grand importance on charity and altruism. "We must help such and such people!" you say among yourselves and nod in self-flattered agreement. And indeed, there are many people who are doing quite poorly in this little world of yours. But you need not travel far to see how poorly. It was so close to home! A metaphorical stones throw away, out beyond the corn fields. It's there, if only you would drive through instead of flying over. They closed down the factories, and one by one their eyes close too, under the weight of alcohol and methamphetamine and self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the head. Where were you? Where was your altruism then? They were your neighbors! They are your kin! Instead of appearing with at least words of comfort, alms in the name of charity, a helping hand, what did you do? You spat on them. Called them names on every flickering screen from sea to shining sea. Reveled in their demise. You demanded sacrifice for the common good, the brotherhood of mankind - whatever the fuck that vapid, empty poetry means - and it cost you nothing! You took everything from them! And you ask more, still!
And when in fear and anger they cling to their guns - the only thing standing between you and them and the final rape of the hinterlands, you scheme and plot and wring your hands rage. How dare they defy you! Don't they know who you are?
Of course we know who you are. We know you by your fruits, because the rewards of this world - the dust blowing around in empty factories and the purposeless service industry jobs and the broken families and heroin addiction and suicide and death and agony - are rewards only because you rule when you have no right, when you are not able, and when you most of all are not worthy. How could you possibly be worthy when everything that could have gone wrong, has gone wrong?
Every single thing you people touch turns to shit. White people have gone to shit. Black people are shit. Men are wimpy shit, women are blue haired, shrill shit. Academia is shit, the economy is a pile of service oriented shit. Music? Shit. The military? Shit. Traditions? Shit. Science? Shit. Media, art, history, the humanities? Shit, shit and shit. Our nations prestige is shit, foreign relations are shit and the massive conglomerations that sold us out to pay off our political masters? Well what do we have here but more shit. But at least the food is great, amirite famalam?
Forgive me for being skeptical that one last time of allowing you to have your way, to dictate what shall be and shall not be will somehow result in anything other than shit. You chafe at our skepticism, our disobedience, our rebellion, because you already know that you are not worthy and our wrath grows daily and your power, such little that it exists beyond the delusions of grandeur you've concocted - oh your power is so tenuous. So fragile. Wearily, I will shoulder my rifle when the day comes to take up arms. The days of the White Leftist are drawing to a close, and it seems likely that there will be war, sooner or later. And my side? We may yet fall. Whatever limited advantages we have may fail us. This is fine, if I at least go down swinging when the time comes, then I will return to the Earth from whence I came with no less honor than the victorious who came before me. I know who I side with. But you? There is no way out for you, and you know it. No exit. No salvation. No redemption.
If we win - when we win - you already know your fate. Even now, as Heritage America is just beginning to stir, just beginning to dream of victory, you sweat out your ancient nightmares - the hinterlands have come! There is nowhere left to hide, and they come not to negotiate - but to kill. And they will. They will, before the end. They will seek vengeance. I hope they receive it. You flatter yourself by chiding them on how they have no hope of winning a war against the U.S. government. Who say's they're going to fight the Feds, or the Army? They aren't coming for the cops or for the marines. They're coming for you, idiot.
And when you win? If you win? You don't really win, because assuming the third world mercenaries you imported to do your dirty work for you actually fight instead of flee when the gibs machine dries up, you go against the wall all the same. You'd know this if you actually studied the communism you love to preach.
One way, or the other, we won't be seeing you in Valhalla.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
How Not To Rule
I attended a long string of high school graduations this month. I cannot say I particularly enjoy graduation ceremonies. Even out there, beyond the corn fields bordering the urban sprawl, when the principal or superintendent recites the "I confer up on you... that you have faithfully executed your academic duties... that you have met the standards set by..." blah blah blah, I am reminded that the insidious tentacles of the Cathedral truly reach far and wide. Even out here. A man, disgruntled and sweating in the 95 degree heat commented on the quantity of teachers and how he now understood why his property taxes were so high. A few people around him chuckled. The pensions! Ah, the pensions.
If I were to say that conservatives were the sort of people who routinely fail to see the forest from the trees, that would be unduly charitable. To take the metaphor and extend it appropriately to describe your average Republican thinker (syndicated or otherwise), it's not just that they don't see the forest. They don't even see a tree, because they're too busy staring at a single leaf. Case in point, the curious tendency of our ruling class to sympathize, if not wholeheartedly subscribe to, the teachings of Karl Marx. Well, it may not be exactly fair to say that they subscribe to Karl Marx, because a cursory reading of the Communist Manifesto should alert the most unserious of students to the decidedly bourgeois nature of academic communists. Then again, most academic communists haven't actually read Marx.
Anyways, conservatives, when their political lethargy and cowardice are not otherwise inhibiting them, will sputter about how communism doesn't work and how communism killed one hundred million people and even, if they happen to be slightly more clever than the rest, will recite Rothbard's explanation on how communism necessitates managerialism, begetting a classed society, and returning communists to the rejected premise of a stratified society.
That's actually the point, dummkopf.
The whole point of the wholehearted subscription to communism isn't to bring about a better world. Perhaps somewhere in the back of their minds these sort of people believe that communism is, indeed, a more just system than whatever you want to call the system we're living under. But justice, true justice or otherwise, is a decidedly ancillary goal for these people. So ancillary in fact, that the rotten consequences of putting communists into power are basically as inconsequential as a bug colliding with a windshield. Why is that? Because goal numero uno is a goal sadly rooted in the solipsistic nature of our bourgeois friends: The acquisition of power, and all of it's benefits, minus the responsibility and obligations. Next thanksgiving when your obnoxious relatives screech about the Trumpenreich, remember not to marvel too hard at the thought of a world run by these sort of people being the sort of world where one hundred million people starve to death, purposefully or otherwise.
Of course, "total communism", a-la the rhetoric of stupid idiots such as this unfortunate young woman, the theory of, the implementation there of, and life under, are the leaf you don't want to get caught staring at, lest we find ourselves to have degenerated into conservatives. So help me God, may I never.
The distribution of power has been repeatedly fractured since the dissolution of the European monarchies. Each iteration of power smashing did not reduce the sum total power, as it were, but rather distributed it among a wider, more specific tier of people. To childishly simplify the idea of power distribution, first we had kings, then we had an aristocracy, followed by senators under republicanism, which eventually beget the individualized power of the mob. Each step down has been a disastrous lurch towards anarchy as the new power holders scrambled over one another to consolidate as much power as they could, before they died and the power evaporated as their corpses cooled to room temperature.
In the here and now, power has degenerated so much that the petty squabbling of self-interested parties is almost entirely comprised of the college educated, aspirational urbanite class. Once in a while, the mob contracts violently and vomits out a class of people to shave off a fraction of competitors for those tiny shards of power. Most obviously, since you are probably a dissident right-winger, the whole "white privilege" schtick was less about rectifying social ills and more about removing competition for power, resources, access, social networks, whatever. The Alt-Right mistakes the over-representation of Jews among the power grubbing nascent and real elite for an explicit conspiracy by our coin-clutching guests, rather than the implicit conspiracy of a group of people predisposed to grasp at social authority because they are, ahem, less-than-worthy by any classic metric of "who-should-rule vs. who-should-be-ruled". In a sane world, these sort of people would have been, how shall I say this politely? Put down?
Less obviously, the mob recently experienced - really, is still experiencing - a violent contraction vis-a-vis the #metoo movement. Hilariously, most of the expelled are prominent Jewish males in the media class, with a smattering of Black and White men as well. How exactly this coincides with the explicit conspiracy of Jewish power is, frankly, beyond my interest in attempting to explain. If you get stuck at "the Jews", you are unfortunately staring at that leaf again.
Consequent to the shattering power and the vicious scramble by newly enabled individuals to consolidate said power, the self-interested class of power seekers must constantly climb over one another for said power through the cancerous phenomenon called "virtue signalling". Because virtue signalling necessitates one-upsmanship, what is considered virtuous is subjected to an exponential curve. Forty years ago, 'virtuous' was not calling black people racial epithets. Twenty years ago, virtuous was having a black friend without noticing that your friend was black. Today, virtuous is ceding all moral authority to blacks - no matter how poorly behaved, no matter how ridiculous the circumstances. Again, to avoid leaf-gazing, I should strongly emphasize that mentioning blacks has nothing to do with blacks per-se, but has everything to do with the wildly degenerated condition of White people. Blacks don't do anything to us that we do not allow. Same for Jews, banks, globalists, Muslims, Mexican illegals, etc.
Several iterations of power shattering and the consequent scramble through virtue signalling is a highly degenerate selection pressure on would be leaders. We need not mince words here - the people who lead us are mostly awful. Whether they lead us from a seat in congress or from the media bully pulpit or from the red carpet, they are, almost without exception, awful. It isn't just that they themselves are often physically repugnant or hilariously deformed in some way - David Hogg's pathetic frame is a perfect example of what I mean by deformed - what's even worse is that they are bad at leading. You would be extremely hard pressed to find a subject matter where our ruling class actually made an improvement rather than made a problem worse.
Their ideas in and of themselves are utter garbage. Last post I joked about how these people effectively delude themselves into thinking that it is education that makes a person smart, rather than natural aptitude. They, of course, believe this entirely out of self-interest. They are educated, therefore they should rule! Probably an easier subject matter to illustrate what I'm getting at is the debate over the individual's right to own firearms. Forget, for a moment, that the vitriol aspirational urbanites spew at their gun-toting countrymen is entirely predicated on the (very well advised) fear that one day Cletus and Bubba and all their cousins and relations and neighbors might finally reach their breaking point with the snotty liberal douchebag shtick and lay waste to hipster neighborhoods (if only they would). The proposed mechanism behind gun controls is, at least on paper, hilarious. We'll just tell them to turn in their guns! Or, We'll get the cops or the army to go around and take their guns!
I really shouldn't have to explain to anyone why that's stupid. Besides the prospect of unarmed urbanites starting a war with people who own lots of guns, even more ammo, and who produce food, the idea that cops are going to be really enthusiastic about becoming a bullet sponge for some dipshit hipster's utopian wet dream is, well, only the sort of idea a demented ruling class could come up with.
Here's to hoping that they follow through.
If I were to say that conservatives were the sort of people who routinely fail to see the forest from the trees, that would be unduly charitable. To take the metaphor and extend it appropriately to describe your average Republican thinker (syndicated or otherwise), it's not just that they don't see the forest. They don't even see a tree, because they're too busy staring at a single leaf. Case in point, the curious tendency of our ruling class to sympathize, if not wholeheartedly subscribe to, the teachings of Karl Marx. Well, it may not be exactly fair to say that they subscribe to Karl Marx, because a cursory reading of the Communist Manifesto should alert the most unserious of students to the decidedly bourgeois nature of academic communists. Then again, most academic communists haven't actually read Marx.
Anyways, conservatives, when their political lethargy and cowardice are not otherwise inhibiting them, will sputter about how communism doesn't work and how communism killed one hundred million people and even, if they happen to be slightly more clever than the rest, will recite Rothbard's explanation on how communism necessitates managerialism, begetting a classed society, and returning communists to the rejected premise of a stratified society.
That's actually the point, dummkopf.
The whole point of the wholehearted subscription to communism isn't to bring about a better world. Perhaps somewhere in the back of their minds these sort of people believe that communism is, indeed, a more just system than whatever you want to call the system we're living under. But justice, true justice or otherwise, is a decidedly ancillary goal for these people. So ancillary in fact, that the rotten consequences of putting communists into power are basically as inconsequential as a bug colliding with a windshield. Why is that? Because goal numero uno is a goal sadly rooted in the solipsistic nature of our bourgeois friends: The acquisition of power, and all of it's benefits, minus the responsibility and obligations. Next thanksgiving when your obnoxious relatives screech about the Trumpenreich, remember not to marvel too hard at the thought of a world run by these sort of people being the sort of world where one hundred million people starve to death, purposefully or otherwise.
Of course, "total communism", a-la the rhetoric of stupid idiots such as this unfortunate young woman, the theory of, the implementation there of, and life under, are the leaf you don't want to get caught staring at, lest we find ourselves to have degenerated into conservatives. So help me God, may I never.
The distribution of power has been repeatedly fractured since the dissolution of the European monarchies. Each iteration of power smashing did not reduce the sum total power, as it were, but rather distributed it among a wider, more specific tier of people. To childishly simplify the idea of power distribution, first we had kings, then we had an aristocracy, followed by senators under republicanism, which eventually beget the individualized power of the mob. Each step down has been a disastrous lurch towards anarchy as the new power holders scrambled over one another to consolidate as much power as they could, before they died and the power evaporated as their corpses cooled to room temperature.
In the here and now, power has degenerated so much that the petty squabbling of self-interested parties is almost entirely comprised of the college educated, aspirational urbanite class. Once in a while, the mob contracts violently and vomits out a class of people to shave off a fraction of competitors for those tiny shards of power. Most obviously, since you are probably a dissident right-winger, the whole "white privilege" schtick was less about rectifying social ills and more about removing competition for power, resources, access, social networks, whatever. The Alt-Right mistakes the over-representation of Jews among the power grubbing nascent and real elite for an explicit conspiracy by our coin-clutching guests, rather than the implicit conspiracy of a group of people predisposed to grasp at social authority because they are, ahem, less-than-worthy by any classic metric of "who-should-rule vs. who-should-be-ruled". In a sane world, these sort of people would have been, how shall I say this politely? Put down?
Less obviously, the mob recently experienced - really, is still experiencing - a violent contraction vis-a-vis the #metoo movement. Hilariously, most of the expelled are prominent Jewish males in the media class, with a smattering of Black and White men as well. How exactly this coincides with the explicit conspiracy of Jewish power is, frankly, beyond my interest in attempting to explain. If you get stuck at "the Jews", you are unfortunately staring at that leaf again.
Consequent to the shattering power and the vicious scramble by newly enabled individuals to consolidate said power, the self-interested class of power seekers must constantly climb over one another for said power through the cancerous phenomenon called "virtue signalling". Because virtue signalling necessitates one-upsmanship, what is considered virtuous is subjected to an exponential curve. Forty years ago, 'virtuous' was not calling black people racial epithets. Twenty years ago, virtuous was having a black friend without noticing that your friend was black. Today, virtuous is ceding all moral authority to blacks - no matter how poorly behaved, no matter how ridiculous the circumstances. Again, to avoid leaf-gazing, I should strongly emphasize that mentioning blacks has nothing to do with blacks per-se, but has everything to do with the wildly degenerated condition of White people. Blacks don't do anything to us that we do not allow. Same for Jews, banks, globalists, Muslims, Mexican illegals, etc.
Several iterations of power shattering and the consequent scramble through virtue signalling is a highly degenerate selection pressure on would be leaders. We need not mince words here - the people who lead us are mostly awful. Whether they lead us from a seat in congress or from the media bully pulpit or from the red carpet, they are, almost without exception, awful. It isn't just that they themselves are often physically repugnant or hilariously deformed in some way - David Hogg's pathetic frame is a perfect example of what I mean by deformed - what's even worse is that they are bad at leading. You would be extremely hard pressed to find a subject matter where our ruling class actually made an improvement rather than made a problem worse.
Their ideas in and of themselves are utter garbage. Last post I joked about how these people effectively delude themselves into thinking that it is education that makes a person smart, rather than natural aptitude. They, of course, believe this entirely out of self-interest. They are educated, therefore they should rule! Probably an easier subject matter to illustrate what I'm getting at is the debate over the individual's right to own firearms. Forget, for a moment, that the vitriol aspirational urbanites spew at their gun-toting countrymen is entirely predicated on the (very well advised) fear that one day Cletus and Bubba and all their cousins and relations and neighbors might finally reach their breaking point with the snotty liberal douchebag shtick and lay waste to hipster neighborhoods (if only they would). The proposed mechanism behind gun controls is, at least on paper, hilarious. We'll just tell them to turn in their guns! Or, We'll get the cops or the army to go around and take their guns!
I really shouldn't have to explain to anyone why that's stupid. Besides the prospect of unarmed urbanites starting a war with people who own lots of guns, even more ammo, and who produce food, the idea that cops are going to be really enthusiastic about becoming a bullet sponge for some dipshit hipster's utopian wet dream is, well, only the sort of idea a demented ruling class could come up with.
Here's to hoping that they follow through.
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