If I were to give you a tl;dr of an essay I would otherwise strongly encourage the broad Dissident Right to read in full, it would be this: We have reached peak Kali Yuga, because the Right, which traditionally represents order, is wildly out-ordered by the Left, which traditionally represents chaos. Indeed, the sorry state of the Right across the West is something of a curiosity in the esoteric and the exoteric. How did things get so bad? Historians may some day write a book worth reading, but that day is not today and so we press on.
I do my best thinking at work, which is unfortunate because the nature of my trade does not spare me a lot of time to jot down thoughts. Business is busy, and something always requires my attention. In some respects this is fortunate, as I have never felt that what I do is corporate make-work. Perhaps this is because I am in a white collar position that deals with blue collar workers everyday - although this is a bit of an amusing stretch because my office dress code is casual and I wear a flannel and jeans every day. My entire working career up until I graduated, I was blue collar. Mostly labor, although I had a couple of neat specialist type jobs (calibration and quality assurance) while I worked my way through college. I can tell you definitively, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the moment I stopped being a suburbanite miscreant and started to actually become something good was the moment I was forced to do hard labor for a paycheck. I had my "I'm not going to die this way" moment in a meat packing plant, after a coworker was grievously injured. I'll spare you the details, but while this man survived, he was missing a rather large chunk of his body. Large enough that I submitted my two weeks notice, moved home and enrolled at my local community college.
It sucked.
I was halfway to my Associate's when all my high school friends that went to college graduated. Most of them moved into the city (where most of them still reside), and a handful got married and started families. As far as metrics and measurements go, I was barely beyond square one. And it sucked. Oh it sucked. Community college, at least where I was, is a cheerless endeavor. Most of the students I encountered were the sort of late-teens/early-twenties kids who really just wanted to smoke pot and play guitar in mom's basement, but the 'rents forced them to make something of themselves. Maaannnn. Then there were the immigrants, who were usually earnest but either dumb, or spoke very poor English, so communication was... challenging. And lastly, about one student per class was a late thirties or forties something who belatedly was trying for a career change, or to improve themselves, or whatever. Those people, the middle aged American students, were like fucking gold, because when group projects were assigned they would always do their work. I sought those people out for every group project I possibly could, not because I am lazy (I'm not), but because I was tired of pulling weight for the potheads. And I would pull that weight, because at the end of the day that project had to be done and there are a lot of teachers that don't care if the pothead didn't do x y or z assigned task. It had to be done, so I would make sure that I had backup in case someone "forgot", or whatever.
Like I said, it sucked. And the entire time I'm working mediocre wage jobs - thankfully I haven't made minimum wage since high school, an anecdotal shiv between the ribs of the do gooders who ceaselessly remind us that minimum wage sucks and it's not enough and it's unjust and you should feel bad so abloo bloo bloo. And on top of that I would routinely go into the city to visit my friends who all had (seemingly) a lot of money and were living fast and large while I was at home plugging away at... community college. I was constantly reminded of what I fretted away by being an unserious student during college try one. The friendships strained, relationships gone, opportunities that never materialized.
And then I graduated from community college. Well, I never "graduated" like cap and gown. I finished my last test, handed it to the teacher with the smug assurance that it was mathematically impossible for me to fail the course given my average prior to the final, got in my car and I had the strangest sense of elation. I passed from one end of campus to the other on my way back to my house and I realized that I would never look at that community college as a student ever again. It was over.
Now the story doesn't end there because I went on to a state university, but that is a whole different struggle session - figuratively and otherwise. I didn't feel the same elation when I graduated because I had routine encounters with SJWs and I suddenly understood exactly how bad things were. I also learned to hate, and have nursed serious fantasies of ovening the Left, so with graduation came not elation, but relief that I would never see those wretched people ever again. And in any event it's immaterial relative to the Thermidor link.
But this is:
I thought a lot about being at square one, the paucity of the Right's organization, and where I was relative to where I ended up. I don't have any organizational advice off the top of my head, sans perhaps a cautious word against descending into the feral rage that peering too deep down the
There are actually two takeaways I offer to you.
First, is the Dissident Right's status as having "no institutional base of operations to call its own, no patrons, no money, few friends, and many enemies", is as much of a boon as it is a disadvantage. I need not reiterate exactly how bad that is because I put the Thermidor link at the top of the page. But in a way it's good because it gives us the opportunity to build. "One pathology of our age is a childlike credulity in the magical efficacy of complaint. Don't complain, build." Having nothing while setting out to do a great thing (saving our civilization is no idle task, as you may have noticed) gives us an opportunity similar to finding a virgin, unspoiled, unclaimed continent teeming with space and biomass and mineral resources. We owe no debt to anyone, and we eat whatever we kill. Its ours, the pathway to salvation rests solely in our hands. No one is coming, the boomers are useless, and previous generations that actually had the balls to fight are long since dead. That's a tremendous amount of pressure, but with that comes a tremendous opportunity for glory. And in the vacuum left by the New Old Right we can build unimpeded if we have the vision, the cunning and the drive.
I dream of an immortal civilization, and the stars.
Second, there is a boon in that the Left is finally consuming itself in earnest. Where exactly the outpouring of sexual harassment accusations among prominent Leftists come from is a story for another day. What is important is that the long predicted fractures are finally bursting, and the Left can no longer suppress its desire to consume itself. It was inevitable. One of the great, inadvertent gifts the Left bequeathed upon us was driving sane and healthy white men away. This doesn't just help us separate the wheat from the chaff, it may also be that non-White Leftists no longer regard White men as threatening, and therefore have focused their attentions on other fronts, knowing that threat numero uno has been subdued... soydued. Sorry. But having noticed that White Prog men are overwhelmingly pajama boy knock offs, I can't help but suspect that Blacks and Mexicans, who are largely only exposed to White men who are pajama boy knock offs vis-a-vis the White urbanite cohort, regard White men as the sort of literal progressive equivalent of Satan. And I don't mean as how we conceive of the progressive religion as a warped version of Calvin's heresy. I mean that White men are slowly, but surely, in the minds of minorities being converted into a sort of omnipresent but immaterial satan to be invoked for bad things but never really materializing as the big bad colonizers that once conquered the planet using steel and sails and muskets. On a long enough timespan, were the minority coalition to hold itself together (suspend your disbelief for a moment), White men might devolve in the same way that devils devolved into imps and hobgoblins and other mischievous sprites. Of course the coalition won't hold together. It isn't. It never could. They're tearing themselves apart because they lost their unifying enemy - strong White people - and all that remains is the steady and sure degeneration of the remaining Left. That the smartest blacks and mestizos do not breed because we send them to schools on our dime where they are forced through the same crucible shredding the White population... its not going to end well for the populations that so desperately need quality individuals. That the weakest Whites are producing fewer and fewer children also bodes poorly for the minorities that remain, as one day they may run headlong into some very angry, heavily armed ruralites.
But that's not my problem. That the Left is pulling an ouroboros isn't either. It is said that the best time to strike is while the iron is hot, but it's also been said that you should never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake. My hot hot take is that its the small steps that will get us places, the little things we have neglected, the small sacrifices that reap large dividends. No one else is thinking about building, they're too busy consuming.
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