Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Counter-Advice on White Birthrates

Advice From The Abyss, Staring Back

I wasn't really sure whether or not the particular individual PA quotes here is serious, or partially tongue in cheek. For my purposes it doesn't matter as the general sentiment is echoed among the various flavors of Dissident Right, and therefore it is worth addressing briefly.

Our chief concern should not be quantity. Everyone else is playing quantity. Historically, quantity is not our strength. Quantity is not how we got from point A to an improved point B. The ancient regime of Feudalism improved our people by segregating those who could not from those who could. Generally separating wheat from chaff fell under the jurisdiction of a local lord's willingness to enter into a labor contract with a particular individual, or approve his request to marry. Far more often than modern humans would find comfortable, however, the separation was effected by the permanent removal of a "could not" vis-a-vis the gallows. Feudalism had many other benefits, particularly the organization of a serious system of defense in the vacuum left by Rome's collapse, but the story of our people's biologial improvement lasted well past the demise of the Feudal system and propelled us into the dawn of the greatest era of human technological advancement of all time. Contrary to the fashionable screeching from wayward (and incidentally extremely low-quality) White progressives, the systemic exclusion of the worst of our people gave us the physical means to conquer the world.

Sadly, all good things end eventually. The ancient and patriarchal relationship between the nobles, the clergy and the commons vanished under a tidal wave of capital: The post-Vatican II Catholic Church is a joke, our aristocracy spent it's last blood in a horrific World War at the turn of the century, and their replacements - globalist oligarchs - are only matched in their disregard for the tradition of noblesse oblige by their wild incompetence. Far from being explicitly conspiratorial, with a coin-clutching merchant cackling behind every affront to our people, our history, and our tradition, it is far more likely that the general demise of the West coincides with the general decline in the quality of our leaders. That is not to say that certain specific events aren't attributable to what you might call a shocking set of (((coincidences))), but ultimately that is neither here nor there. The waters are rising and we cannot save everyone, and even those endowed with the most vicious malice towards our people may ultimately find that they are hoisted by their own petards.

The gallows, however, remain in function, albeit not so much in form. The great evil of modernity, like all chaos, is ultimately self-consuming. Rampant hook-up culture, cheap and effective birth control, Tinder style "relationships", the bitter resentment of feminism, the genetic dead end of miscegenation, careerism, atomized urbanite individualism and Tumblr/blue-hair activism are all fires burning too hot to sustain themselves. These fires must burn, because we are overbred. Our success has allowed weakness to flourish, and the devil must take his due. He who would defend everything, defends nothing is an ancient aphorism that might steer you in the right direction. Our projected minority status in our own homelands, of all things, is certainly cause for worry. But the best salve for the mess we have gotten ourselves into is careful planning, not the wild neuroticism of day traders watching the market collapse.

Feudalism is not coming back - at least in it's medieval form - but the lessons we learned can help us pull ourselves out of the mess we created. Half of it is literally letting those who should breed continue to not breed, and perhaps encouraging them to do so where possible. We are going to have to accept some losses. Believe me, having recently come out of college I can definitively say that White Liberalism is a political expression of biological unfitness. We are gaining far more, long term, by simply cutting these people loose. I have attempted to express to my parents and other older conservatives with fairly unsatisfactory results how college-tier liberalism isn't just a matter of commie professors brainwashing kids - there is actually something wrong with the people who buy into this stuff, and the more they've been bought in the more wrong there is. And I do mean physically and mentally.

Strive for quality. Almost everyone else is playing the quantity angle, and almost everywhere else is complete garbage. Its time to swim against the grain. Great investors know that the worst thing to do during a market panic is to join the panicked crowd in attempting to sell everything. Hang tight, buy whatever seems like it will gain its value back, and never ever panic. Someday this whole thing will collapse. Civil war will come, the lights will go out and never come back on, boats laden with starving, angry Africans will wash up on our shores like Camp of the Saints, whatever. Make ready to build something new on top of the ruins, something right, something of high quality and worth preserving to pass down forever. Something good, beautiful, and noble.

Find a nice girl - no girl is perfect and she doesn't need to be right wing. Women in the thralls of love (read:convinced their about to marry 'up') have completely malleable political opinions. Get married. Have kids. Raise them right. Be a good man. Be good at being a man. 

Revolt against the modern world.

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